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The Yarnell’s story is as rich as our ice cream. It all began in 1932 with founder Ray Yarnell. Thanks to borrowed funds, hard work and delicious results, he pulled off the seemingly impossible – starting an ice cream company in the midst of the Great Depression. Ray worked tirelessly, providing 5-gallon metal cans of premium ice cream to local drug stores and ice cream parlors. And customers ate it up. The company grew in both popularity and products, eventually becoming one of the most beloved brands in the Mid-South.

After being handed down through generations, Yarnell’s was purchased by Schulze and Burch in 2011 and continues to delight families in Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Louisiana and Mississippi. Today, fans scoop up classic, new and seasonal flavors, pints, frozen yogurt, ice cream bars and more. A lot has changed since those early days – but not as much as you might think. We kept the original formulas. The same recipes. And 85 years of down-home goodness. Ray would be proud.
